O sa fiu sincera cu voi, nu am fost vreodata pasionata de nunti in mod special. Datorita meseriei de fotograf, am trecut prin tot felul de nunti : romanesti, moldovenesti , rusesti ! Obiceiuri care mai de care, insa un lucru e cert: moldovenii se distreaza cel mai organizat ! Mi-am urmarit cele mai bune prietene cum urca spre altar, pierduta in agitatia si isteria de moment, un singur gand imi incoltea in minte : “O fi prea devreme? Oare vom mai fi la fel ? Oare e fericita? … ” Ca la finalul petrecerii, o singura concluzie sa ramana in aer : ” Doamne, daca ar fi sa o iau de la capat, nu as face-o ! ”

Fiecare nunta avea povestea ei, o magie si o energie unica, care ma incarcau de fiecare data cu o emotie atat de puternica, incat ma transpuneam timp de 24 de ore in universul unor oameni , de multe ori straini, dar in acelasi timp ma si secam de atata energie incat aveam nevoie de o saptamana intreaga sa imi revin. Imi ziceam : ” o sa vina si randul meu, sa vezi atunci ! ” Anii au trecut, de nunti m-am cam lasat, insa visul de a imbraca o rochie de mireasa este inca aici. Ideea de a fi un star macar o zi , de a strange langa mine pe toti cei dragi, de a o vedea pe mama plangand de bucurie si de a dansa pana lesin inca imi surade si nu am renuntat de tot in ciuda noilor “reguli moderne” .

A face o nunta este o provocare, asa e. Toti viseaza la ea, putin trec nesifonati prin ea, multi o amana. Dar oare sa fie atat de greu? Din moment ce ai gasit rochia perfecta, totul vine de la sine ! Nu e asa , fetelor?

Cred ca totusi este mult mai greu ca peste ani, sa privesti in urma iar prin albumul amintirilor sa nu regasesti acea imagine in rochie alba de mireasa si sa nu stii niciodata cum ar fi fost daca ai fi facut-o ! So live your wedding dream, it’s never too late !

PS: Si daca e cazul, chiar de mai multe ori !


Dress : Julia Helena

Hair & make- up : Anastasia Beauty Center

Flowers : Floria

Location : La Maison

Photo : Florin Bondrila




I will be honest with you, I was never really attracted to weddings. Because I am a photographer, I’ve been to a lot of weddings: Romanian, Moldavian, Russian! All sorts of traditions, but one thing is for sure: people from Moldova have fun in the most organized way! I followed closely my best friends going down the aisle, and lost in that rush and craziness only one thought crossed my mind: “Is it too early? Will we be the same? Is she happy?…” But by the end of the party, only one conclusion remained: “God, if it were to do it all again, I wouldn’t do it!”

Every wedding has its story, a unique magic and energy, which every time gave me an emotion so strong that I was transferred for 24 hours in the universe of other people, who many times were strangers, but at the same time I was so drained of energy that I needed a whole week to recover. I was telling myself: “my turn will come, and then you’ll see!” The years have passed, I kind of gave up on weddings, but the dream of wearing a wedding dress is still here. The idea of being a star at least for a day, to gather around me everyone I love, to see my mother crying tears of joy and to dance until I pass out is still enticing and I haven’t completely given up on it yet, despite the new “modern rules”.

Having a wedding is a challenge, it’s true. Everyone dreams about it, few get out unruffled, a lot of them postpone it. But is it that hard?

I think it’s even harder to look back in a few years and not finding that image of you in a white wedding dress in your album of memories and never knowing how it would have been if you would have done it! So live your wedding dream, it’s never too late !

PS: And, if necessary, do it multiple times!


Silvia Postolatiev

Silvia Postolatiev, the author and owner of, fashion photographer and visual artist

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