Sufocata de caldurile din ultima luna, m-am refugiat in mall-urile capitalei, unde parca revii la viata datorita temperaturii optime care ii permite creierului sa functioneze, comparativ cu situatiunea din exterior. De obicei nu am un scop foarte exact si iau la rand toate magazinele a caror vitrina imi face cu ochiul. Iar cand am dat de un magazin cu decoratiuni sau mobila, gata, m-ai pierdut! 🙂

Asa am patit la Lem’s … Odata intrata in acest univers, cu greu ma scoti de acolo… Multitudinea de culori, forme si stiluri te prinde si te duce departee…cam 3-4 ture si parca tot la prima optiune te intorci, ceva tipic cand e vorba de shopping. Am tras un pic pe dreapta in coltisorul preferat din magazin. Un living modern intr-un stil minimalist care mi s-a parut cel mai cozy si unde am zis sa fac o pauza ca sa procesez toata informatia vizuala de care aveam parte.

Rosu, negru sau alb? Piele sau catifea? Mat sau lucios? Oare se potrivesc toate aceste contraste vibrante si texturi cu tinutele mele de diva albului imaculat cu accente de gold??? Acesta de fapt era scenariul din capul meu, o mica secventa din visul copilariei! Yep, recunosc ca si acum mai am tendinta sa topai prin sufragerie in timpul unor show-uri de dans, who doesn’t?! Partea mai grava e atunci cand bag si voce :)))

M-am decis. Rosu combinat cu negru ma pune cel mai bine in evidenta! Toate spot-urile pe mine, pe locuri, actiune!

Ah, era sa uit ! Totul devine absolut fabulos cand avem si reduceri in combinatie! Discount-uri de pana la 40% la living box-urile Lem’s pana pe 16 august! So, hurry up!



Suffocated by the heat in the past month, I took refuge in the Capital’s malls, where one is brought back to life by the optimal temperature that allows the brain to work, compared to the situation outside. I usually don’t have a well defined target and I go into every store whose window catches my eye. And when I find a furniture or decorations store, that’s it, you lost me! 🙂

That’s what happened to me at Lem’s… Once I enter that universe it’s hard to get me out of there… The multitude of colors, shapes and styles catches you and takes you away… about 3-4 rounds and then you go back to your first option, something typical when it comes to shopping. I made a little pit-stop in my favorite spot in the store. A modern living box in a minimalist style that I’ve found to be the coziest and where I thought I should take a break in order to process all the visual information around me.

Red, black or white? Leather or velvet? Matte or shiny? Do all these vibrant contrasts and textures match my diva outfits that include white with gold accents??? This was actually the scenario in my head, a little scene from my childhood’s dream! Yep, I admit that I still have the tendency to jump in the living room during dance shows, but who doesn’t?! The worst part is when I start singing :)))

I’ve made up my mind. Red and black suits me the best! All lights on me, on your marks, action!

Oh, I almost forgot!Everything becomes absolutely fabulous when we have sales! Lem’s has sales of up to 40% for living boxes until August 16! So, hurry up!


Silvia Postolatiev

Silvia Postolatiev, the author and owner of, fashion photographer and visual artist

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