RO: De cand am intrat in posesia celui mai bun prieten, un smartphone iPhone 6, am fost atat de entuziasmata de design-ul si aspectul general al acestuia, incat am evitat sa il “ascund” intr-o carcasa clasica. Recunosc, tot ce e auriu imi fura mintile si nu mai judec bine. 🙂

Dar, in timp, dupa diverse accidente, mai mult sau mai putin grave, am ajuns la concluzia ca acest telefon merita o protectie pe masura, o husa adecvata. Bineinteles ca nu ii puteam lua orice “hainuta” la intamplare, asa ca a urmat un proces indelungat de documentare in acest sens si am ajuns pe site-ul celor de la QuickMobile, unde gasiti cea mai variata si cool gama de accesorii destinate gadget-urilor in general. Revenind, mi s-a pus pata pe husele celor de la White Diamonds, decorate cu cristale Swarovski si evident ca nu m-am putut decide doar la una dintre ele. Buuuun!

Nici dupa ce le-am primit nu m-am putut decide care este preferata mea, pentru ca toate arata foarte glamour! Asa ca am decis in fiecare zi sa port cate una, prin rotatie sau le adaptez dupa ocazie sau dresscode. 🙂

Pe langa toate acestea, marea surpriza cand am primit coletul, a fost ambalajul de lux, cutia neagra de un rafinament desavarsit, legata cu o fundita eleganta! Un big Like pentru packaging celor de la QuickMobile! Daca vreti sa vedeti cam cum arata o impachetare premium, puteti intra aici. Va garantez ca o sa va distrati din plin si o sa alegeti de acum doar servicii premium! 🙂


EN: Since I came into possession of my best friend, an iPhone 6, I was so excited about its design and general look that I avoided “hiding” it in a classic case. I admit anything golden steals my mind and impairs my judgment. 🙂

However, over time, and after several more or less serious incidents, I concluded that this phone deserves an appropriate degree of protection, in the form of an adequate case. Of course I couldn’t just buy a random “outfit” for it, so I went through a long research process that brought me on QuickMobile’s website, where you can find the widest and coolest range of accessories for gadgets in general. Back to our story, I had an instant crush on the White Diamonds cases, decorated with Swarovski crystals, so obviously I couldn’t decide on buying just one of them. Gooood!

Not even after I received them I couldn’t decide which one is my favorite, because they all look so glamour! So I decided wearing a different one each day or adapting them to the occasion or dresscode. 🙂

In addition, the big surprise when I received the parcel was the luxury packaging, the extremely refined black box, tied with an elegant bow! A big Like for QuickMobile’s packaging service! If you want to see how premium packaging looks like, you can go here. I guarantee you’ll have fun and will only choose premium services from now on! 🙂


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